Friday, April 14, 2006

3 Hours at the Hairdresser??? What's with that???

I guess something had to be done about the hair, but I wish it wasn't so boring at the Hair Salon. And those lights; I'm sure they use a special bulb that makes you look old, overweight and desperate. Surely I don't look like that all the time!!! I think a bit of flattering mood lighting would do a lot towards luring me back there. The hairdressers could wear those miners lamps so they could see what they are doing.

At one of the open houses we went to on our search for a new house there was an ancient stove in the kitchen. I quipped to Don that I would have to sell it on Ebay if we bought the house, and the Real Estate agent gushed "Oh it's so refreshing to hear a woman your age mention Ebay!" As if I was a doddering 80-yo. And she wasn't young herself!

Then the hairdresser took great pains to help me up out of the chair; I must look like I'm on my last legs. Must work harder at the gym....

We leave in 8 hours, but I think I'm as well prepared as possible. Tickets, money, passport... Whatever I don't have I can buy.

I will be at
MQX, Manchester, New Hampshire
Paducah, Kentucky
MQS, Kansas City
Spring Market, Minneapolis

Stop by the Golden Threads booth and say hello...


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I can totally relate to the hairdresser's mirrors - am I really THAT wrinkled and fat?? Have a wonderful time on your holiday!

  2. I don't know whether you will be checking your blog or not, but I am going to come and try to find you on Friday at MQS. I have a fiber art class on Sat and Sun, so that's out - I hope I see you!

  3. Hey Keryn! I'll be attending Spring Market with my sister, Trish. We're just shoppers though...not I'll be sure to drop by Golden Threads.

    So I pronounce your name *ker-in* or *kar-in?* I'd hate to be an idiot for my very first impression! ;-)

    By the way...YES...those mirrors are abnormal!!! NO mirrors are normal after one is 25! I feel much better inside than I look in my reflection!!!

    See you soon!
