Thursday, June 29, 2006

An interesting weekend is planned, with the delivery of an enormous industrial skip and the intention of clearing up Don's wood stash. He doesn't complain about my material stash, because he has the equivalent in wood and wood-products downstairs. And I love the possibilities of what it will all become, so I don't usually mind the wood mountain. However, we need to tidy it up so that potential buyers of this house won't blanche in horror at the sight of it. I'll let you know how it goes.....

I've been cramming a bit of sewing into odd spaces of time, with the result that I now have a finished Wheel of Fortune top, which somehow grew too big for the quilt hanger I wanted to display it on. I will have to find a larger quilt hanger or use it as a bed quilt. That just gives me permission to make another quilt that will actaully fit on the present quilt hanger.

I did use the Parisian Essence on the borders, and I'm glad I did, even thought the overall change was subtle. The navy fabric had a tiny white design on it, which is probably why I hadn't used it in 15 years; the white was jarring. But it toned down beautifully, and I'm really happy with how it looks.

I also sewed all the strips leftover from my red and green quilt into pairs, and cut them into slices to make into these blocks. Don't know where they are going yet, but I have 4 baskets of scraps cut into units, which is a good feeling.

Remember the four blocks of the pink and yellow and green Many Trips Around The World that I was making before I left for America in April. Opened a pizza box that used to store strips, and found.... 26 more blocks! Where did they come from? Either I am losing my short term memory or there really are quilt fairies.

It's not as bright as the flash makes it look, but it is still going to be a strongly coloured quilt, unless I make a lot of sober blocks to tone it down. But I quite like it the way it is. I am making it for our bed, so I will make another 15 or so blocks and see what I think then,

I'm putting off the moment when I have to count the number of quilts already in this house. Once I know that figure I may give up any idea of making yet more. But that's unlikely to last.....


  1. The WOF top looks beautiful, I want to make one too, but it might be by hand if I don't get me some of those templates.
    And I'm glad the quilt fairies did make you some more of those blocks, but they should tell you about it. Imagine if you hadn't discovered them, and finished the top- what would you do with 26 un-needed blocks? Make another top......gaaaak!

  2. The WOF is gorgeous! I've been tempted by the block, but always scared. Just tried a mariner's compass from templates and it mostly worked so may try a WOF soon. I particularily like how you did the background so it looks like its on a 4 patch... much nicer than cutting a hole in a block and "mounting" the wheel

  3. Your WOF is fabulous! I am going to have to give John's templates a try.

  4. I LOVE your WOF top! You made it so fast. and the colors are gorgous. Great Job

  5. The WOF is fabulous! I've always loved that design. I'll have to make it one of these days. And I don't think your Many Trips needs toning down at all - I like the colors.

  6. The WOF is beautiful - I love the ones like that, and NY Beauty, and a whole bunch of others I haven't got to yet...
    Great colour combinations in all your quilts, too.
    I did a sewing-stuff purge in January, and I haven't missed a thing I tossed/recycled/sent to the op shop.
