Monday, August 21, 2006

I got busy yesterday and made a sewing corner for myself, so there will be no excuse not to sew a block or two a day. I cleared a corner of our enclosed front verandah, and set up my machine, a cutting table and the ironing board. It's just inside the front door, so I will have to keep it clean and tidy (I Hate That!) but it's better than running between three rooms.

When my daughter was very young I had a similar setup, because we were renovating and had no space for a sewing room. I used to lay my blocks out on our bed, pin them together and then run through the loungeroom to my machine in the verandah to sew and press them. And back through the lounge to the bed to lay them in place. DD kept pleading with me to come and watch TV with her, and I kept saying, on my way through, 'In a minute, I'm quilting now...' She gave me a disgusted look and said 'I HATE quilting!!' So I stopped and watched TV with her. Talk about guilting me out! Is it just coincidence that my spell-checker turns 'quilt' into 'guilt'?

This is the bulk of my FQ stash, and some of the lengths of fabric. There are also boxes and boxes of 5 metre lengths for backings, and a cupboard full of scraps and bits and pieces and not so special pieces. And another cupboard full of dressmaking and upholstery fabric and the associated trimmings. Not to mention three enormous tubs of vintage fabric. You can see why I need to streamline my posessions. Bear in mind that this is what's left after three ruthless sortings already.

My favourite occupation apart from actually quilting is organising my fabric. These drawers are the best thing I've discovered yet, but they look nasty and I don't like the fact that they are plastic. And they aren't vermin or dust proof either, which is annoying. So I continue to dream of matching sets of melamine drawers, expecially built to house my collection.

I do like these CD boxes, because they fit a FQ exactly and the lid seals really well. In case you are wondering, they hold 100 FQs, something which absolutely stunned me. I have 4, which makes me go all hot and cold at the thought of 400 FQs. But each drawer holds more than that, so I'm trying hard not to add it up and discover what I have here. I don't have to be guilty if I don't know......

DS Rhys is on term break from Uni, so I don't have to go out at all this week, unless I want to. What luxury. I adore being able to stay home all day, and not have to brave the traffic. I think I will sit down with coffee, (of course) and make a list of things I'd like to achieve this week; more blocks made, more shawl knitted, spare bedroom sorted so that the floor is visible again! Oddly enough the rest of the housework is up to date, which is so unusual for me. I'm not into houseproud, I would much rather sew or knit or garden and have soemthing to show for my days. But I even polished my kitchen sink this morning; I must be ill..... I'd better sit down with some fabric until I recover. These reproduction fabrics will do nicely.


  1. glad you were able to create a unified space, even if its not "ideal" it sounds more sane than the run you were engaged in in order to quilt :-)

  2. yay on the space :) And wow on the stash LOL :) My kids guilt me too SIGH :) xoxo melzie

  3. neat... I too am in a never ending rut trying to figure out how to store my fabric...

  4. I remember seeing your studio on webshots. Is that strictly for your patterns?
    It's great to have all your fabric in one place. 400 FQs???????? Wow!

  5. Your stash looks like mine. Mine has actually gotten big enough that I moved my machine out of the sewing room and into the dining room with the excuse that I wanted to spend more time with hubby.

  6. Wow, I'm impressed. All that fabric. It is getting hot here too, but it is just nice now - how you wish it was all year round.
