Friday, June 15, 2007

In lieu of a real post....
7 things you probably don't know about me:

1. I have an Associate Diploma of Animal Husbandry. I can weld and have a tractor license. I was electrocuted in a piggery, but lived to tell the tale with only a half inch hole burnt in my hand.Me and a friend, circa 1983

2. I have been riding bikes since I was 15. I started out with my brother's Honda 70, went to a 125, then a Yamaha RD250 and finally a Honda400. I would love to own a Moto Guzzi one day, before I get too old to enjoy being a larrikin.

3. I was in the RAAF, (Royal Australian Air Force), as was my father and father-in-law.

4. Until I was 23 I could do a handstand and put my toes on my nose. The last time I did it as a party trick, and thought that maybe I shouldn't.......not being a 12 year old gymnast anymore. And I was decently clothed in jeans and all, it's not like I'd do it in a dress or anything!

5. I don't like ice-cream, and I'm not over fussed on chocolate either, unless it's dark and 70% cocoa. Give me curry, or antipasto any day. Believe me, plenty of things are giving me curry lately!

6. My reading speed is 460 words a minute, with 100% comprehension. I was tested in the Air Force. I love those IQ and skill tests, I'm very good at them. Pity I couldn't make a living just taking the tests....

7. When I was 18 I broke my coccyx falling off a horse , and had to get back on and ride 7 miles home. Ouch!! Thank God for Western saddles, with pommels and knee-pads. The worst thing was waiting at the traffic lights on the way through town; not nice to be riding a horse in traffic when you're not completely in control.

Normal blogging will resume on the weekend, when I finish the quilt that is in pieces on the design wall. It has been made in the moments between stoking the copier with paper and collating packs for orders before I go away. I'm amazed that I have managed to get so much done in such a scattered way. I much prefer to sew uninterrupted, but that won't be happening for quite a while.


  1. Brother Greg arrived for a visit while I was reading your entry and remembers you pinching his scooter. He's not so sure about the Moto Guzzi, but agrees you're a larrikin!

    And I hope that particular little 'friend' didn't end up in the roasting pan like at least one I know of.....

  2. You have & are, living a wonderfully varied life, Keryn!
    Very interesting list!
