Monday, July 30, 2007

I went down to my sewing room yesterday with the intention of tidying up a few containers, and then starting something with my nice new fabric. The weather is no longer freezing cold, so if I'm going to make a flannel quilt it had better be soon, or the winter weather will be over and I won't need flannel for another year. We really only get a few weeks of winter here, it's not enough for me.

In one of the containers I found a pile of 6" Shoofly bloks in blacks and shirtings. I dimly remember making these about 4 years ago, intending to set them with red squares. It was all a bit dramatic for me though, so I packed all the bits away and forgot about them. As I looked at them yesterday I thought, What if I used blue instead....Obviously that was a good idea, because I dropped all my other plans and sewed on this all day and into the night. I made the centre piece with the blocks, thinking I would be satisfied with a hired-man's-quilt arrangement, but it was just too long and skinny, so I added the Stacked Brick borders to widen it. It's still only large single bed size, but I really like it.
I concentrated on using blue fabrics that were scraps and needed to be culled from the FQ drawers. I totally used up most of them, and there is only a small amount of the shirting left that I used in the small border. Great Stashbusting Effort!! The border fabric is almost gone too, that will be shifted to the drawer for smaller lengths and cut up to go in the next blue scrap quilt. I do love whittling down those border lengths, sometimes it seems that they just won't go away, no matter how much you use them.

On some blogs people list the music they are listening to; this quilt was made entirely to the strains of Handel's Messiah, and Maddy Prior's album of hymns, Sing Lustily And With Good Courage. I like sacred music, anything from 13th Century Carols to early American folk hymns, and classical masses. I like the beautiful music and soaring voices, but I also love the down-to-earth voices of the folk singers, and the authenticity of them. One lifts me up, and the other keeps me grounded.


  1. Wow! That is a really stunning quilt!

  2. Ooooh, I REALLY like this quilt too!! :> Great job!

  3. I LOVE it!! I had no idea this was what you were doing with these blocks, you made it sound as if you were just doing a bit of duty sewing. Wow, I love those brick borders, I would never have thought of doing that. Makes my sewing look extremely dull by comparison.

  4. It looks great - I like red but I think this looks really good with the blue. That was a marathon sewing session to get it all together wasn't it?

  5. I love it. It's beautiful. I agree the red would have been too much. The border looks great. I'm going to have to remember that when I have a quilt that doesn't come out the right size. :c)

  6. looks great is my favourite....

  7. I love the stacked bricks with it. I would never have thought of it and it looks just right.

  8. Oh, it's so graphic and beautiful. How did you think of the stacked borders?? It looks just fabulous. And to think these blocks were just laying there waiting for you to create with them. Quilting is such an inventive process. Gorgeous quilt.

  9. What can I say but another beautiful quilt. You are so clever with your colors and placements. I just love it.

  10. Shoofly is one of my favourite traditional blocks and I LOVE what you did with yours. Get it quilted quick so you can snuggle under it :)

  11. Wonderful! Must get me some of that inspirational music! I lOVE this quilt, big time! ooh, those cool blues, yum, and the bricks - genius!

  12. Great end result! I too love the the stacked brick borders. The whole quilt is so appealing.
    Wonderful Keryn.

  13. Your blue quilt is very striking! The setting turned out so nicely.

  14. a very peaceful quilt
