Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I get distracted so easily.... I was making Monkey Wrench blocks wasn't I? Don't know where these other two came from, or why I'm suddenly making 1" half-square triangles.

BlockBase calls the block on the top left Crown of Thorns, the one at top right Double Wrench, and the one below that Handy Andy. They certainly takes a lot longer than the original block, so I need to be stern with myself and get back to the original idea. These two will be ring-ins, I absolutely don't have the time to muck about with such tiny pieces! Pay Attention, Self!

In between work chores I have been clearing out bookcases and whittling down the library. The last bookcase to be tackled is 5' wide, 9' tall and packed absolutely full. I am astonished at how much I could bear to part with, Goodwill is going to get a huge donation of books tomorrow. But I really doubt that I will ever want to read Robert Ludlum again, or those thick conspiracy theory novels that were so popular in the '90s. I had multiples of a lot of my favourite books; when I go to second-hand bookstores I buy my favourites again if I find a copy in better condition. The sensible thing is then to chuck the grotty previous copy, but I don't seem to get to that step. I have done it now though.

I discovered books I'd been searching for, and dusted everything, and put it all in order, so I'm happy with my days work. Now I'm off to have supper and knit on my sock for a while. My new supper fad is pumpernickel bread. It tastes like a cigar would, or silage, but very nice with cream cheese.


  1. yummy...pumpernickel bread. I haven't had that since I was living in Montreal...I've never seen it sold over here in the UK and I do miss it.
    Nice blocks, btw, they look fab together.

  2. Those little blocks are just lovely, but they do look like a lot of fiddly work!
    It seems Spring cleaning is in the air...a shame I cant get more enthused about it.

  3. Egg salad is very good on pumpernickel bread toast. Lots of butter on the toast ...and lettuce! I need to buy some pumpernickel bread now. I have eggs.

