Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Oww!! I feel like I've sewn a marathon. I don't know how Bonnie gets all that piecing done in between the other things in her life. It took a concerted effort on my part to get this little lot finally done, and I don't think I managed anything else at all. Can't sew any more..... too tired!

I think I've got over my aversion to little 9-patches, if I had to make another 200 for the border I think I'd just get in there and do it. A seam is a seam, surely, no matter if it's on a four patch or a Le Moyne Star or a nine patch.

I used up all my 1 1/2" strips on the first 100 blocks, so I cut up a lot of smaller pieces to make the rest of the patches. I measured, and there was the equivalent of 8 metres in this drawer; it's all gone now, cut up into projects or strips to restock the scrap drawers, or actually pieced into the Mystery quilt. I've earnt a trip to the patchwork shop I think. I will have to total up what I've bought this week, there was a quick visit to a shop on Monday to get border fabrics, but I think I only got 4 metres, and all in the name of borders. So that's allowable.

Another trip tomorrow, to see family, so no sewing for a while. I'm very glad I managed to complete the third mystery step; when we get back I will have a nice time deciding what to start next.


  1. congrats on finishing up the 9 patches! With the number you were making I'm not sure I'd ever get them done, though your philosophy of a seam is just a seam is spuring me to see things differently )

  2. Wow, good work!
    I dont mind doing nine patches. Depends on what I am making I guess.
    Enjoy Family!

  3. I am proud of you!! Mine are cut, not pieced yet (part 3). This is taking lots of fabric!! That is a good thing!! I am almost out of shirtings/backgrounds.

    Merry Christmas!!


  4. A seam is a seam... exactly! I'll try to remember that when I am bored out of my mind making the same thing over and over and over. A seam on a new project is no different from a seam on the thing I should finish!

  5. Merry Christmas! Love the hay rolls! That is always such a tranquil scene.
