Monday, February 25, 2008

I spent Sunday sewing strips together, and managed to clear out the strip drawers nicely. The only things left are bits that are earmarked for projects already begun, and a few that I like enough to carry over to the next lot. It took quite a while to sew them in pairs, and just as long to iron them, and then even longer to cut them into 1.5" slices. That was a lot of work to get through, especially with fabrics that I didn't even particularly like anymore. Which may explain why halfway through I cut a few more shirting strips, and some more indigo ones,and began making these 4-patches as well. I AM usingup the contents of the strip drawers. It's just that I may be making these blocks as well, and using the scrap 4-patches as leaders and enders. I don't know how it happened. But I do like this new project.


  1. Right now, I'm just about obsessed with four patches and nine patches. I went through the stage where they were "too simple", but I'm beginning to appreciate simplicity! Very cute blocks, and a great idea for using up strips.

  2. what a great idea for using up the 1 1/2" strips! love the way the block looks with them in it!
    thanks for sharing with us.

  3. Those blocks are looking really good.
