Monday, March 17, 2008

I don't want to do that ever again! I do not intend to let the quilts pile up unfinished like that. I will make a montage of them tomorrow, but right now I'm going to stagger off and have a cup of coffee and maybe snivel a bit, because I've just found another unbound quilt on the shelves. Will it never end! That's 12 quilts I've bound this month......


  1. Wow! I can't wait to see them.

  2. The pile looks terrific! Great work in a month's time. Looking forward to seeing them whole.

  3. I just love the quilt on the left! It looks easy, but I suppose it is not?
    What a great feeling it must be to have those all bound & finished.

  4. Oh boy, you must need a long nap after all that work. But look at all those finished quilts.
