Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hope everyone had a good Mother's Day on Sunday, my day was full of flowers. On Friday I received a floral arrangement from my kids, which was very thoughtful of them. I'm sure it was my DD's idea, but I also got a text message from the boy, which proves he didn't forget.

I believe in the original spirit of Mother's Day, and the giving of white flowers. The Hospital Guild had a stall outside the supermarket, and I bought 4 bunches of white and purple crysanthemums from them. I had the satisfaction of knowing the money would help the hospital, and my house will be full of flowers for the next few weeks. They came from someone's garden locally, fancy having armfuls of flowers to pick. I may also have bought two pots of crysanthemums for my garden, in the hope that next year I'll have my own bounty to share.

I don't think elaborate presents are appropriate, and I hate the advertising catalogues that say 'Give Mum a plasma TV for Mother's Day!!!!' Giver her a hug and do the dishes, I say.

My DS contributed to my lovely day by linking up my computers with a wireless network while he was down here. Now I can sit in the kitchen and read blogs while I'm waiting for things to cook, or catch up on email in between bouts of dishes and cleaning up. It's fantastic, I just love being able to access my desktop computer as I sit in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. I can even print things while I'm eating dinner if I want. Cool.We're drowning in quilts here, I have to pack up two more boxes for the Bushfire appeal, and then it's back to customer quilts and our own projects for a while. I'll take some photos of my Dear Jane progress tonight, but it's about to be packed away for a while. I need to work with BIG pieces of fabric again, not these microscopic little flakes.


  1. your chrysanthemums look very lovely indeed! i love their spicy scent. i bought a small yellow one that was loaded with blooms last Fall for my box planter, and it came thru the Winter just fine!
    Now if i can just nurse it thru the hot Summer....

  2. I love flowers too, & was thrilled that my son gave me a bunch. I get pleasure out of the lillies every day, with the gently sweet perfume.

  3. I love flowers! No garden here but we bought 3 pots of them for the deck and kitchen today.

    I usually give Mom a quilting related present for Mother's day but the best present is a visit and I do try to fly home to spend the weekend with her.
