Monday, November 09, 2009

We went down to Adelaide last Thursday, and attended the guild meeting, and saw the prizes awarded to the winning quiltmakers. We sat with a friend who had won her division, and it was fun hearing about how she made the quilt. She doesn't make traditional quilts, but I love what she does, she's so innovative and clever. I would link to the winning quilts but the site doesn't appear to be working right now.

We were off early the next day, to meet up with fellow blogger Tazzie for coffee before she went to work. It was great to actually meet her, and talk about our quilts, and recent fabric purchases, and plans for the future. We can't call her our imaginary friend any more, having met her for real!

Then it was off to the show, to meet up with friends and look round the quilts and shops. We were very subdued with what we bought, not because we didn't want anything, but because we were determined not to stock up on more fabric, just to add to the stash. This is the sum total of my purchases; Mereth cast her eyes up to heaven when I rejected the peach and yellow and green flower head pins in several booths, and kept hunting for the blue ones. But the blue ones are prettier! I had to have them and no other.

The fat quarter bundle is from our mate Lisa, of Dyed and Gone To Heaven. My camera refused to do justice to these gorgeous fabrics, they are a wonderful range of sea greens, but they just look grey on my screen. They are lucsious in real life, I can assure you. Lisa challenged us to try something a bit different from our normal palette of reproduction prints, so we're going to do a mini quilt each. And we have to send her pictures when they're done, so she can see we actually used the fabric.

And I bought this American magazine, which is totally unsuitable for our season, but it has an article on reversible cables which I want to know about. It will sit and wait till next year, when I can start knitting in the cooler weather again. We just havve to get through the summer first.


  1. I absolutely love the glue pen.Use it all the time.

  2. It was so nice to meet you both, I can't believe how fast the hour went. We must catch up again.

  3. I have never seen the glue pens, brilliant idea.
    I see you are having a heatwave in spring, so your summer will seem looong!

  4. What??! That's all you bought?!! The way you two sew I thought you'd be needing heaps more fabric... Must have been fun to meet Tazzie.
