Tuesday, March 09, 2010

It was my turn to quilt on Millhouse, and I spent two days working on this quilt.  The customer had tried to quilt it herself, and then pulled out all her stitching and gave us the pinned quilt.  She gave us no instructions other than to make it pretty.  The piecing is simple and there are only two fabrics in the whole quilt, so I thought the quilting had better be elaborate to pique the interest.  I'll show a picture of the entire quilt later, it's too dark now for the quilting to show up in the picture of the whole thing.  I love how it turned out, I will definitely be using these quilting patterns on a quilt of my own.

Over the weekend I sewed whenever I could, and finally cut out the pieces for a Spiderweb quilt that I've been wanting to make for ages.  I haven't sewn the pieces together yet, still deciding if I like the strip widths I chose, but I'm glad this is underway at last.  It's a favourite block, so easy to put together, and it uses a heap of fabric; 11" for each block, and that adds up real quick.
This is the other project I'm working on.

The blocks have various names; Chimney Sweep, Album, Courthouse Steps.  I haven't decided what to call it yet.  I have a photo of an antique quilt saved from Ebay about 7 years ago, and it has a very peculiar setting, with the corners of each block joining each other and the alternate setting squares joined with set in seams.  It wouldn't be easy to put together, and I'm still deciding whether it would be worth the effort.  I'll let you know about that; I don't have to make my mind up just yet.

I've seen several antique quilts with blocks set like this, easy enough with hand piecing, not so easy by machine.

I may have trashed my stash drawers looking for the perfect double pink to set this with, and I may have snapped and ordered three yards from some place in the US, but I don't have to count that until it arrives on my doorstep.  I'll use it straight away for this project, but I think I may have ordered more material to fill up the parcel and make it all worthwhile.  As you do.......

I'd better cut out a lot of those Spiderweb blocks and use up a heap of stash quick smart.


  1. i so love to read your blog because of all the unusual blocks you find. i haven't seen a spider's web quilt made since way back in the 90's, so it will be good to see yours take shape.
    Fabulous quilting on the pink and white quilt. You're going to have one happy customer when she sees it.
    Love the unusual antique quilt. i've never seen the blocks extended into the corners like that one. thanks for showing it!

  2. Are you able to post a photo of the antique quilt. The setting sounds interesting but might not be worth the effort. You always have such interesting projects going.

  3. Gorgeous quilting and I love the spider block and the antique one too. You gave me a good laugh with your try for innocence........"I may have ordered more material to fill up the parcel," you are just to funny.

  4. Oh, Keryn, that customer will be so delighted with that quilt, what perfect quilting. Love, love the Chimney Sweep blocks.

  5. I hope I can leave a comment this time- borrowing a computer as mine has died.
    You have worked magic on that customer quilt! Beautiful!

  6. Your quilting on the Irish chain variation is so wonderful!

  7. Sometimes you just have to buy. You should see all that came home with me yesterday.

  8. Magnificent quilting on the Irish chain. It is lovely to be able to see the quilt designs so clearly. Loving the Chimmney Sweep blocks in repo, I do admire your determination to use your stash, but these blocks deserve the double pink. Will have to reserve judgment on the rest of the package contents! Milky way inspires me....to buy navy fabric! Happy quilting, Sue.

  9. You definitely made it pretty so I imagine she's going to be thrilled.

    Love the spiderweb block and the strips look the right width to me!

  10. PRETTY QUILTING! The spider web block is really neat too.
