Friday, June 04, 2010

As Mereth pointed out in this post, we have been working seriously long hours for the last three weeks.  And I don't want to talk about work on this blog, so I haven't had much to say about anything lately.  I think I may be caught up now, enough to just put in 6 hours a day instead of 12, so just maybe I can have a Life again from now on.

Luckily for me, a lot of what I do is on the laptop, and with wireless internet I can work in bed at night.

Dolly adores this.  In fact, she's come to see it as the only place to be, now that the weather is getting colder.  She burrows down under the covers and luxuriates in the warmth, snoring gently and twitching occassionally.  What a life she has, a very spoilt girl. She's an excellent hot-water-bottle, and good company.

Late each afternoon I put on my walking shoes and we're off for an hour and a half, tramping the golf course and enjoying the winter scenery.  Dolly has caught three rabbits to date, and dispatched them swiftly.  That may sound a bit brutal, but the golfcourse is strewn with the bodies of rabbits that the foxes haven't been kind to either.  And in Australia, rabbits are vermin who destroy our environment, so a few less are no cause for mourning.

We've been for a few walks at Bowmans Park too, and came across this sandstone wall, sculpted by wind and weather. 

It is so soft a fingernail left marks, just amazing.  It would be fun to carve something out of this stone, it would be really easy to shape.  Maybe I'll take that up as a hobby, when I need a break from quilting,  (Like NOW).

I have made a few blocks of this Cracker patterns, for stress relief. 

It's so cute, and goes together so easily, perfect for those odd moments when I have time to sew.  Now that things have calmed down a bit I'll tackle my longterm projects first, like the Lady of the Lake blocks, and then jump right into kitting up more of the Cracker blocks.

Oh well, it's time to get to work, much to Dolly's dismay; she'll have to leave her natural environment, my bed, and go sit in the office and keep me company.  Her work is never done.....


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    isn't it nice to have such a talented and versitile quilting companion as Dolly to help you thru your days? I love the pic of her 'seal of approval".

  2. Dolly is such good company! You're right, the Cracker is definitely a cute block. I guess you should be happy to have so much work, eh? :-)

  3. I think that Dolly would like to visit America. We could use a few less rabbits here in Virginia. I promise I'd take very good care of her while she's here!

  4. Dolly is like our Molly. Content whenever we're around.

  5. That's such a neat looking block -- I had to go look up the pattern!
