Friday, June 25, 2010

I haven't done a Stash Report for a long while, but I"m still keeping track of my purchases and usage.

Used this Week:  17 m
Used year to Date: 141.6 m
Added this Week: 2.5 m
Added Year to Date: 38.25 m
Net Used for 2010: 103.35 m

I'm over the 100 metre mark at last, cause for celebration.  I should say that the 17m used this week is the total of two quilts I've been working on for the last month, and I never counted the yardage used till they were finished.  It's not like I had a wonderful week of sewing, cause I didn't.  And they're commission quilts so I can't show you what they were.  : (

I'm really pleased with the amount I've used this year, and the nearly 40 metres I've added is very moderate for me.  In the not so distant past I could come out of a shop lugging 40 metres all in one go, so it's wonderful to have controlled my aquisitions for 6 months.  Mind you, that 40m has cost nearly $500, which is kind of sobering.  If I stay in control for the rest of the year, and only buy that much again for the next 6 months, it's still a total expenditure of $1000 per annum.  

My Mum would be horrified beyond words at that, but $20 a week seems a small price to pay for a bunch of pretty stuff that makes me feel happy.  I could spend that at the movies, or twice that having my nails done, or I could drink it away at the pub or gamble it on Lotto.  2 packets of cigarettes would cost more than that; it's not even a downpayment on fancy shoes.  I don't have to justify it to anyone, but I do need to make sure that I buy what I actually want, not just something that appeals to me on a whim.  No more 'What was I thinking!" purchases.

It would be nice to say there's a bit more room in the sewing room, but there's not.  Or it's so disorganised that I can't tell.  My goal for the rest of this week and on the weekend is to clear out some of the clutter and make space, so I can work happily in there.

There's nothing new on the design wall, same blocks as last time; I will have to get cracking and do something interesting to show you, won't I?


  1. I like your thinking ($20 a week is a small price to pay for happiness) and cannot agree more! I have decided that calculating my purchases/useages is too hard at present, but instead to focused on only buying new fabric for completing UFO's - which to date has ment buying bigger pieces of fabric, but less purchase, so I like to think it works out in the end. I was doing really well until Stitch in Time had a closing down sale! Oh well its cheaper then therapy! Happy quilting, Sue SA.

  2. I think you are doing so wonderfully with your stash busting. Think of what you would pay a therapist once a week, and we should all agree, fabric therapy is cheap, LOL!
