Thursday, January 27, 2011

 A few hot days have seen me have sent me to the sewing room, escaping the heat and being productive.  I'm enjoying the 1.5"strips, so much so that I relieved Mereth of her spare strips, and now have an ocean of little pieces all over the table.  I've used up 3 small drawers full of scrap strips, and I refuse to cut more from the stash, so it may be time to move onto something else.

I have one top completed up to the borders, which I didn't take a photo of, so that will have to wait till later .  I decided that it was too much effort to choose a single fabric for the setting triangles, so I strip pieced those as well.  It took a bit of time, but it was very easy and I like the look of it. 

I have lots of these 5.5" pieced squares left over, so they are the beginnings of another quilt.  I love the simplicity of them, both in the making and the final effect.  I haven't decided if I will set these in a simple basketweave like this, or maybe use them as units of a bigger block.  There's plenty of time to choose.
 For months I've been wanting a labeller, and boring Mereth with stroies of how my life would be different if only I could label everything.  Lo and behold, for Christmas this showed up under the tree.  What a great gift, and one I truly wanted.

I'm enjoying getting more organised, and I'm sure that once everything is sporting it's own little tag then life will suddenly become much easier.  Is that an unreasonable expectation?


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Ah, the labeler - so far I have resisted but I know my sister would LOVE one. I really like your pieced setting triangles, it's a great look.

  2. I love my labeling machine, definatly made me more organised, as things now go in the right places! Happy quilting Sue SA.

  3. Very pretty!! I like your organizaation!

  4. aren't those labelers fun??!! I'm not that much more organized--but there are labels just in case I want to put things back in the right spot.
