Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm having one of those weeks where there is too much to do, not enough time, and nothing co-operates.  Yesterday I was all set to  do some more work on setting up my new website, only to discover that my little mobile internet stick had been left at my brother's place, and I was too peeved to get in the car and go and get it.  So I finished the donation quilt on the design wall instead.  It didn't take too long, and I'm very glad to have one thing crossed off the To-Do list.

I rummaged and found border materials that would work, then cut the small borders 1.5", and the large borders 5.5".  By using those measurements I can use the leftovers for another quilt in this pattern; the small strip leftovers will make more sashing and four-patches, and the 5.5" leftovers will make more strip pieced squares.  How's that for planning ahead?

I was too lazy to add the small borders separately, so I sewed them together and then joined them to the quilt.  I don't mind the way this corner looks, but it's not what I wanted for this particular quilt.  I didn't want that light fabric touching the outer border.

I decided to add a 3.5" flippy triangle corner, and that way the brown is at the outer edge all the way round.  What an easy fix and it looks like it's a lot harder to do than it is.  I'm all for looking clever, even when I'm just being lazy.

You can see what I've done, because of the stripes not meeting, but in a printed fabric this would be  a lot less noticeable; I'm going to put this little trick in the arsenal of border treatments.

Amazingly, no one pointed out to me the mistake in my previous picture of this quilt;
look at that bottom right corner!  Was everyone too nice to mention that I had a couple of strips in wrong way round?  I was full of bravado about leaving it there, and then I thought that I might as well unpick it and fix it before it was too late.  So in the final quilt that particular mistake is not there; if something else is wrong, bad luck.  Too late now.


  1. I really like this quilt - great way to use up any sort of scraps.

  2. looks great !!
    very tasty !! :))

  3. LOL, well now that you mentioned it i did find a couple of blocks in the quilt that were twisted, but i'm glad you left those in--i think it makes the quilt more interesting! I love your border treatment, and will have to try that on a quilt soon!
    That's a great quilt, and a wonderful way to use those skinny jelly roll strips.

  4. I love this pattern and the resulting quilt!

  5. Yes it is a horrible week. I recommend chocolate.

  6. love that corner trick - need to remember that one myself. looks great with those little "setting triangles"

  7. Easy blocks to make. The setting is what makes the quilt interesting. A project I would like to try.

  8. Adorable quilt! And I just love how clever you were with that border. My distaste for borders may just disappear with that one. ;)

  9. The corner idea for the border is a good one, and as for the strips turned the wrong way, it took me ages to even figure out what you were talking about! I think it looks great.

    A pic of Pippi and Dolly running around in the mud would have been appreciated too...
