Friday, April 22, 2011

We're having a long, long, long weekend here in Australia, 5 days off because of Easter and Anzac day.  Mereth took advantage of the time off to go to Newcastle to see her No2 son and his family.  I'm sure she is cuddling little Logan right this moment, lucky thing.

We drove down to Adelaide yesterday to stay the night with No1 son, and we managed to fit in a trip to a little Indian grocery that we've been to before, where we stocked up on a few necessities, like Indian snack food, prepackaged meals, bulk spices and curry paste. 
 I just love wandering through the aisles looking at all the foods that are so different to ours, with strange packaging and exotic ingredients.  It was a fun way to spend an hour.  Then this morning I dropped Mereth at the airport at 5am and drove home through light rain and lines of holiday traffic.  A lot of people were getting an early start, and I felt envious to see convoys of 4-wheel drives lined up at the side of  the road, mysterious and important in the pre-dawn light, drivers congregating to chat and share coffee.  It would be so fun to be setting off with a group of friends for a camping adventure, but I have duties here.

As soon as I arrived home I set Millhouse to stitching on a donation quilt, and went and picked up the dogs.  I have instructions to give Pippi lots of cuddles while her Mum is away, but Dolly doesn't approve of that.  Little bit of sibling rivalry happening I think.

My plans for the rest of the day are to keep working on the donation quilts in the background, while I sew my Drab blocks together.
Mereth said she was sick of them on my design wall, she lost the will to live everytime she caught sight of them.  They are a bit depressing, so I'll get them in one piece pronto and move on to something more cheerful and pretty.

Right after I give Pippi a cuddle....


  1. So funny about Mereth losing her will to love :-). Will you sash the Drabs?

  2. I don't think the grey quilt is nearly as ghastly as you both seem to - it has an elegant understatement thing going on there - it will work great for a bloke - they tend to be big on understatement!

  3. Josefina12:34 AM

    I like your beautiful work and I congratulate them
    have a good day
    tijeras y cuchara
