Thursday, September 29, 2011

We have a shed!

All that's left to do is a bit of finish work, ridge-capping and downpipes etc, and I have no idea when that will get done. We're having wild and windy and wet weather here, which is messing the work crew around. Never mind, the end is in sight.  Next up is connecting power and water, which could take weeks, and then I will need to have the place insulated and lined.  I don't think it will be done before Christmas, so it will be another exercise in patience.

I can't wait to start landscaping the rest of the block, and moving stuff into the shed, and establishing a veggie garden and water tanks and....  But there's all my regular work to deal with too, so it's going to be slow progress.  It's still exciting.

Mereth is in New South Wales, visiting DD2 and family, so I have Pippi while she's away.  Pips keeps looking for Mereth, it's quite touching.  When we go for a walk both dogs will run up to me to tell me what they've been up to, and then Pip will look all around for her mum.  When we go to Mereth's house Pip races to the door and scrabbles at it impatiently, ready to burst inside and look in every room.  But still no mum.... Mereth will get such a welcome when she gets back!

Not much sewing is being done; DD Seonaid dropped in at the start of the week, on her way to a friend's wedding. I even cooked a real meal for her; I don't spend much time on cooking these days, too much else to do.  We rushed around on Tuesday finding last minute things, then she was off on the bus to stay the night with cousin John, before flying to Brisbane the next day.  It's been years since I travelled out of state, I'm quite envious of all these other people getting to see a bit more of the wide world.  I shall have to plan something for next year I think. I'll be driving down to Adelaide to pick her up tomorrow, so there won't be any spare time for quilting for a while.  I have 23 of the Flyfoot blocks done, (only need 5 more) and some of the setting squares cut out, I just need a few hours so I can make some headway.

At least with all the rain I don't need to water either of our gardens; there's always a silver lining!


  1. My poor little Pippikins! She looks so sad! I'm going to owe you big time for looking after her for me. The shed is great, the dogs looked like they were busy checking it out.
    Logan says hi to Great Auntie Keryn- he managed something that sounded very like Nanna today and I was so excited. He's very cute and cuddly and it will be hard to leave him again.

  2. Oh, Keryn, the shed is wonderful! What a picture it will make when surrounded by your landscaping. Poor Pippi, she doesn't understand.

  3. This is all a bit too magnificent to be called a shed. I realize that the whole 'shed' concept is a grand old Aussie tradition but this looks more like a Garden Cottage to me. Yes, capitalized on purpose.
