Saturday, August 25, 2012

Alas, four weeks have just flown by, with not a single post.  It's been an incredibly busy time, and when I had time to blog there was always an excuse not to; photos on the other camera, no phone cord to download them onto the computer (I really need to start blogging on the phone, that would make things easier), lousy internet connection, too tired, head too scrambled to think straight.  I did achieve a huge amount of work though, which was excellent, and hopefully I can slow down a bit and have a bit more leisure time.

One exciting thing was taking delivery of my new state-of-the-art colour laser printer, which has revolutionised the way I print my patterns.  I've converted the original files to pdfs, and now all I need to do is click 'Print' and I can have an order done in minutes, without any input from me.  No feeding documents into the machine, no stacking them for double siding, no collating or sorting.  It will even add the coloured covers in the correct place, and store the print job for another time.  It's an amazing machine.  We have big plans for the future, including printing patterns for other people.

 He does take up a lot of space, and he weighs 79 kilos; thank God my dear brother is a super strong man, and not a weedy pigeon.  Otherwise it wouldn't have been possible to get it off the delivery van.

I've been making inroads into updating my website, which always takes up a heap of time, and I also finished an enormous quilt on the Statler. 
It was 110" x 117", which really stretched the limits of Millhouse, but we managed to get it done.  The finished quilt was gorgeous, but there was no way to take a photo, it was just too big. 

I hope we never get a bigger quilt, it would be too much hassle loading it onto our 12' machine.

The feather border turned out well, the quilt loked pretty special with such an elaborately quilted border.

Apart from quilting, working on the computer, gadding about the countryside with family, working at the postie job (the Parcels, what's with the Parcels!!!)
I've been putting a lot of time into the garden, trying to get plants in the ground before Spring arrives.  That should be any day now. 
So there hasn't been a lot of free time, but that's no excuse for not blogging.  Bad Me.


  1. Wow! Great printer! That will definitely help simplify life.

    And that huge quilt is amazing!

  2. isnt technology wonderful? xx hope you keep remembering to BREATH with all your rushing around xx

  3. I hope that printer gives you more time!!

  4. Wow, that is quite a printer. How did you decide on that one, Keryn?

  5. Sounds like more exciting work ventures (printing other peoples patterns), so hope it all goes well for you. How do you possibly deliver all those lovely parcels without taking a PEEK inside!! Ha I would the be the worst gossipy postie ever, coming back the next day to ask "what was inside"!!!
    Thanks for the reminder, I need some motivation to get out into the garden, its been so cold I keep putting it off!
