Friday, February 22, 2013

There's not going to be much time for blogging in the next few weeks.  I'm looking after Pippi for Mereth while she's away; I'm also doing her job at the Post Office.  And as if that isn't enough I'm also watering her garden and my brothers garden, which is a big job in summer.  The last four days have been spent working or running from one property to another, turning hoses on and off and watering pots.  It didn't help that Monday was one of the hottest days we've had this summer, it was an absolute scorcher.  Not a day to remember and cherish, that's for sure.

Pips has been neurotic, looking for her mum, but is slowly getting better.  She sat outside Mereth's back door and whined for an hour the first time we went there, poor baby.  There's a lot of hiding under beds as well, but she's coming good, and in a few days time she won't even remember that she's been abandoned.  Until Mereth comes back, and then there will be hysterics.

Sorting and delivering mail is very hard on the hands, and my right hand in particular is feeling the strain, so I banned myself from doing anything yesterday; no sewing, no ironing, no packing or lifting boxes, not even any computer time.  Gak, it was so boring I couldn't stand it.  Watering the garden was OK to do, as I could hold the hose in my left hand.  Except that I sort of forgot and repotted three plants and then remembered that I wasn't going to do any lifting; apparently heavy bags of potting mix don't matter. 

I did some reading while I was banned from sewing; I recently downloaded Lord Of The Rings onto my Kindle, and I'm using that as my reading on the treadmill.  Love it so much, my copies of the books from 1975 have tiny print and brittle pages, and I don't want to handle them any more than I have to.  The Kindle is so great on the treadmill, I doubt I'll buy paper books any more, I'm a complete convert, except for quilt books.

This is a bad photo of the Churn Dash quilt I finished last week sometime.

 I bought 5 different fabrics to try on this for the borders, and nothing pleased it except this old Judie Rothermel print.  I planned to put a different border on the fourth side, and I like how it looks, plus I will always know which way to put the quilt on the bed.  So that's another top finished.

I'm still clearing out my sewing room, and I'm not allowed to start anything new yet.  I found another top that just needs borders, so that will go on the to-do list after I've got the borders on the Stack&Whack, which should be any day soon.The fabrics are chosen and waiting to be cut, I just need a couple of extra hours in the day so I can get it done. 

The orangey-pink was from the same Winterhur range, and I bought enough of the large print  to border several quilts.  It's scale is so excessive, I just love it.

My hands have recovered enough to wield the iron, so there will be sewing and pressing this afternoon.


  1. remember to BREATH occasionally as you rush around xx

  2. I am tired just reading this post all that running around! I am sure they are thankful for all your help
    Love the latest finish, love churn dash blocks and all the different fabrics you used. Interesting border fabric I remember that fabric and never would have thought of it as a border contender but it works so well. I m learning that the odd colors and prints work well as bindings and borders. take care of your self giving up a day or two of sewing so you can sew long term is worth it...

  3. I feel so guilty leaving you with all that responsibility. Poor pips, she'll get over missing me, I suppose.
    no sign of bubs yet, we're living in suspense....

  4. Yikes, hope you have some good therapy/pain relief for that hand? Having to give up sewing and the computer is harsh. Still I really like the idea of being able to walk and read at the same time, that is my idea of fun exercise! The churn dash is fab, I love traditional patterns and this looks good with the alternative blocks between. I would have never thought to put an odd border on one side..but it adds to the interest. I have developed a thing about orange lately, so love your binding too! Cannot wait for cool autumn nights, I have given up on watering the impressed by your stellar efforts to water three gardens!
