Saturday, April 13, 2013

Isn't it lovely to wake up in the morning and think, 'I can do anything I want today....' ?  Well that might happen tomorrow, but this morning my first thought was, 'I have to shift the Statler today!!!!'  If it only the table weren't so collossally heavy, all the other bits Mereth and I can manage on our own, but that tabletop will require outside help.  Brothers and nephews will be involved, I think.

But I still have a few hours before Mereth arrives and we have to get down to work; I'm not a morning person, but the postie job demands it, and then I just wake up at 5am on the weekends from habit, so it's only sensible to get up and get something done.  I think I just might turn on the machine and sew a few pieces together.

Because my sewing setup isn't ideal, I've been cruising a lot of blogs, and two of them made me smile.
Mary Elizabeth Kinch is the author of two books about quilts with tiny pieces, and has a blog post titled Whats on your sewing table? about her messy sewing area.  I can really identify with that, my table seems to be a dumping ground too, and it's so lovely to clean it up and get things ready for a big sewing spree.  Tomorrow.

And Tara Lynn Darr of Sew Unique Creations ( I miss her shop!) has a post showing her basement sewing area.  At one point I stopped thinking, 'Well that's not much, I have as much as that, surely' and replaced it with 'Wow!  that is a lot of fabric'.  Her neutrals and browns just amazed me; I want a collection like that when I grow up.  Well done Tara.

I have been guilty of a little bit of stash  building.  We were in town doing chores and dropped in at the patchwork shop, and I bought some half metres of fabric and I was almost out of the door when I saw a jellyroll of Lario, by 3 Sisters. 
 And Mereth, just for fun, egged me on to buy it, and I did, even though I had sworn never to buy another precut again.  Seems I'm really weak-willed. 
 And then while I was paying for it, I picked up a beautiful Tilda FQ and added that to the pile.  And a couple of wax melts from the Yankee Candle range that the shop has just started carrying; it was a deliciously fragrant package to carry back to the car.
So I have to start sewing soon, or the stash is going to keep getting bigger and bigger, and we can't have that happening. By the end of this weekend, I hope to have a new sewing area where I can see all my fabrics and cut projects easily, and then I'm going to get started on a Log Cabin, because Bonnie just posted pictures of two that are truly wonderful and exactly what I want.  Instead of moaning that the Road to Oklahoma blocks will go together too fast, I'll be happy to finish them and move on to my Log Cabin.  That's the way quilting works.


  1. Tara's shop is sorely missed by me, too - especially those fat eighths! With the cost of fabric, it was such a good idea, but hard to find now.
    Isn't it nice that there is always something else we quilters want to make? I feel that quilters have their cake, and can eat it, too. We have the fabric to play with and then enjoy, and use a finished piece. The best!

  2. hope you get everything moved with the minimum of fuss and injury! Enjoy your fabric xx

  3. Good luck with the move - hope you have lots of time to stitch soon! I think we all miss Tara's shop :(
