Saturday, April 20, 2013

Yesterday I spent most of my time moving the last of the furniture down to the shed, and getting the Statler up and running.  I wasn't really apprehensive, but I still breathed a huge sigh of relief when it actually stitched out a design, just like it should.  Love you Millhouse!

There is a such a lot of stuff to find a home for, but I think we'll be very happy quilting in this spot.  It's just lovely to have sunlight in the workspace, I never like working in 100% artificial light, which we were forced to do in the windowless hall.  And the herb garden is right by the door, so the smells of basil and lemon verbena are pleasantly wafting in the door.  Just so long as the bees stay outside, we'll all be happy.

I've already done one customer consultation in the mess, hopefully when she comes back to pick up her quilts the workroom will be much neater, and functioning properly.

I have to adapt a desk to turn it into a sewing table, so that's what I'll be working on today.  But once that is done I should be able to do some of my own sewing, at last.  I love watching Bonnies Quilt Cam while I sew, it's great that we can access the archived ones now.  I have the fabrics picked out for 5 more madder blocks; I think I"m going to call this quilt Mitchell St, because that was the street I was living on when I started them.  I never used to be a fan of 'naming' each quilt, but now it seems right;  why go on saying Road To California blocks, which means nothing to me, when I can refer to my quilt by a name that instantly conjures up memories. 

And of course I have to make time to work in the garden; I think autumn roses are even more beautiful than the spring ones; it's lovely to pick a bunch of these gorgeous Joyfulness roses each day. 
There are 20 buds on the bush, it's celebrating the end of the hot weather too.

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear your making progress and she is up and running again! naming quilts I love your idea, something that will have a memory to you , I don't name my quilts either but may have to think about that.
    the color of the rose is amazing. beautiful
    looking forward to seeing the madder blocks soon!
