Friday, September 20, 2013

We've been having a little dose of summer weather lately, which wasn't welcome at all.  Luckily it's changed back to normal spring temperatures, with a bit of rain, so I'm grateful for that.  I didn't like the wind throwing my pots all over the yard though, and blowing the birds out of the trees.  Sunday was such a wild day I just stayed inside near my sewing machine.

The Log Cabin blocks are all finished, and sewn into blocks of four.

It won't take much more work to finish them and then I will consider a border of some kind.  I'm leaning towards these two fabrics.  I know it would look lovely with a pieced border, but  that would take more time to design and sew.  I want this quilt ready for quilting soon, so a quick border is a good border.   I'm all about time-saving just lately.

The two big custom quilts are finished and back with their owners, thank goodness.  We did put a lot of work into them, I was absolutely knackered by Saturday afternoon.  So many people think that we just push a button on the Statler and walk away, but it takes hours of work babysitting the machine and making sure it stitches every pattern exactly where it should.  I don't leave it for a minute, which means hours on my feet.  Thank heavens sewing involves sitting down, such a welcome change.

I know I've spent too much time quilting when I'm itching to do the dishes and put the kitchen to rights.  I let it get so messy while I'm working long hours, and it's very satisfying to finally have time to do the housework.  Never thought I'd say that when I was a young'un.

The pink and cream candlewick quilt was so pretty, I loved working on it, but at 110" x 116" it really stretched Millhouse to capacity.
We worried about it getting dirty too, so every day we vaccuumed and wiped down all the machine surfaces, and the dogs were definitely banished.  I breathed a huge sigh of relief when it's owner collected it this morning; our part in that little saga is over.


  1. loving the log cabin quilt x Hope the weather stays "normal" for a little while longer x

  2. Fantastic log cabin. Whichever border you choose, I'm certain will be terrific. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Log cabin looks fantastic. Special custom quilting on such a huge quilt, sure the owner was pleased when she got it back.
