Saturday, February 08, 2014

Isn't it amazing how sometimes people on opposite sides of the world start to do the same things at the same time?  I was going through a quilt book recently, and this indigo quilt struck me as the perfect way to use up a lot of the rich, deep blues I've collected over the years.

Those blue setting blocks would use up a lot of fabric very quickly, and the blocks also have a large square that would whittle the scraps down nicely.
I cut some trial blocks, to see if they went together easily, and then I discovered that Lori of Humble Quilts had used the same block for her last Quiltalong.  Must have been something in the air.

The little 6" blocks are so cute and easy to put together; I cut all the 1.5" triangles with the Go Cutter, and then just one 4.75" square from the indigo material.
I think it's worthy of becoming a whole project, and I'm itching to start cutting, but....  I like Lori's quilt a lot too.  I have so many lighter blues and browns that would work with sashing, like hers.  I can't make up my mind what direction to go.  Of course I could do both, but I might be very sick of those blocks if I made two quilts worth of them.  What I need to do is come up with a similar block, that's interesting enough to keep my attention.  I shall investigate that before I start cutting into the pile of blue fabric.

The Large pile of blue fabric.

Every time Mereth and I go shopping in the supermarket we find ourselves exclaiming in disbelief over some new product.  When I was young I was determined never to get 'old' and make statements like 'What is the world coming to!' But I'm tempted to say that about some of the things we find.  I think we're well on the way to becoming crusty old codgers.
I love kale chips, but everyone knows that you can eat a whole bowl full and it takes longer to make them than to eat them.  Now they come in a bag, ready to eat;
I thought the $7.95 price tag was a bit steep.  Then I saw the price per 100g on the ticket; that works out to $139.50 a kilo!!  (over $63 a pound)
Wow, that's an expensive snack.  Guess I won't be trying them.


  1. Beautiful quilt and love your collection of blue fabric. My husband tried making kale chips--we had to open the windows for fresh air

  2. Oh, love those blues! And, the pattern.
    I recently perused the organic section at the market, and saw kale chips, but no flavors that appealed to me. Pineapple sounds good, though!

  3. Just go ahead and make the quilt. I have been cutting from my blues and have three in progress plus cutting for one more with a pattern in reserve and one that is completely done. I don't think I am in danger of running out of blue nor do I believe you will either. Also the shapes and sizes have been closely interchangeable-by accident.

  4. What a perfect use for your indigos. I love the antique you're using as inspiration. Have you seen the antique Lori is using as her inspiration? May need to scroll down a bit on her blog.

    You might want to check the calorie/fat content of those kale chips ~

  5. Oh, love those blues!!
