Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I seem to be able to make any border difficult, it's a gift.  I wanted that madder fabric to form a complete diamond around the centre, but that meant either piecing another complete row around the whole thing, (not going to happen) or extending the madder square into the border.
I added the gold strips to the outside of each quarter, then pieced the single strips of squares that would join the quarters, with the madder square joining the gold strips.

 Four quarters finished, just that centre strip of squares to add.

Once that was done it was a simple matter to add the two outer borders, and my top was done!

GypsyQuilter sent this link to a TATW pattern made using the tube method; it would be a great way to put the design together in the least amount of time.  I quite enjoyed my bumbling approach, one fabric at a time, but it wasn't the fastest way to work.  And I have a serious mountain of leftovers.  Maybe I'll throw together a Scrappy Bargello from Bonnie's site, or a Scrappy Trips; both are a fun way to use up a pile of strips quickly.


  1. Well Keryn, you also have a talent for interesting color combinations, settings and borders, and unique details that make your quilts stand out. All of which I find constantly inspiring, which is why I follow your blog. This particular quilt is totally transformed by the final two borders, which bring out the blues and greens, making the whole thing sing. Beautiful!

  2. Such a wonderful color combo. That blue really makes everything pop! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Looks fantastic. I must agree that you love complicated borders, but this one is delightful in its simplicity. I am totally in favour of lazy borders (cos I have run out of steam by then), but my modern quilting friend is trying to introduce me to the concept of not using borders at all....yikes!

  4. I loved this layout with the first border!! Then you added more to it. Simply wonderful. The controlled scraps really make a striking color combo!! You have a great eye for color balance.

  5. Love love this quilt, well done.

  6. It's just gorgeous! Love your fabric choices.

  7. I do like how you finished the first border with one square in the center. It makes the trip complete! Wonderful quilt!

  8. This was an awesome layout for the borders - it really completes the "trips".
