Sunday, January 03, 2016

This morning I photographed some of my UFOs and sorted out the boxes and labelled everything.  It certainly helps to know exactly how many there are, and where they are.
I had this many project boxes,
but further investigation showed that three of them only contained collections of fabric for future projects; I found small tubs for the fabric, and now I have three empty boxes.  While I'm cleaning up I will probably find more UFOs tucked away, so there will be a home for them in one of these square boxes.
    1. This floral Stack&Whack is ancient, about 12 years old.  It would only take a day to finish the rest of the blocks, I should slot it in between bigger projects.
    2. Urban Abacus - this is something I'm really looking forward to, it will be one of the first projects I work on this year.
    3.  Batik Squares - not really a project yet, just cutting squares and stockpiling them for the next batik quilt
     4.  Madder Stars - had these on the design wall last year, and put them away for when I need a quick finish.  They are stacked in rows and ready to put together.
    5. Album blocks - ongoing project to use up reproduction scraps.  Love these blocks, but I don't feel in any hurry to get these into a quilt.
    6. Blue and green rosettes - sewing paper pieced hexies hurts my hands, so these will be made into runners or cushions, a little at a time.
     7. Tiny Nine-patches - these were made with charm squares last year, and I have a lot of them made.
    I ran out of charm squares, and other things took precedence.  I'll have to get back to these, they were a lot of fun.
    8.  Octagon blocks - I have all 30 made, just need to organise the sashing. And come up with a name for the blocks.
    9. Pretty tumblers - started cutting these on a whim, and when I have enough I'll lay them out on the design wall, then stack them in rows next to the machine and use them as leader enders.
    10. Red and blue sampler blocks - I'm enjoying them, but have no idea where I'm going with them.
     11.  Blue and brown blocks - I adore these, don't know why I stopped sewing on them.  I have heaps of pieces cut, and the sashing already in the box.
    These should be high on the To-Do list.
    12. Not really a project - all the scrap ends of 2 & 2.5" strips, sewn together in long chains.  These will make scrap borders or sashing one day, but for now they are leader-enders.
    There are other projects around, but these are the ones in the boxes on display.  The other UFOs are hidden away, and they can stay that way for now.  I have plenty to be doing already.


    1. Love every one of your projects. Look forward to seeing which ones progress over the coming year.

    2. Lots of goodies there to chose from, good to see your rational that some are for the future and others are "do it now" projects.

    3. lots of great projects to work on...........I love those project boxes.......

    4. You are well organized with your UFO projects. Me, not nearly so. Always a treat to sort through my closet and crates that haven't made it in to the closet and try and figure out what I was doing.
