Sunday, September 30, 2018

The blue Framed Squares quilt is finished, after a marathon effort on my part.

Last week I took what I'd done down to the shop and tried it on the QS bed.  I was horrified to see that it wasn't big enough in any direction, I can't imagine what I was thinking when I stopped piecing the blocks.  It was barely big enough for a single bed.  I must be losing my grip on reality.

I came home and started cutting, then found the block pieces I'd thought were leftovers.  I made another 34 blocks in one sewing session, then joined them together in another, and finally stayed up very late one night attaching the borders.  It's way too big to fit on my design wall, so it was back to the shop the next day to put it on the bed.
I really drive Mereth nuts.  I get to a certain stage in most of my projects and I HATE what I've done.  I moan and complain and  tell her I"m going to throw it all in the bin because it's so horrible.  I grit my teeth and plough on, just because I have to finish it.  Then when the final stitch is done, I hang it on the design wall and fall in love all over again.  The adult part of my
mind ignores all the whinging and doubting, and makes me finish what I've started.  I just wish that other annoying voice that undermines my confidence would quit trying to influence me.....


  1. It looks gorgeous! I always go through a stage where I’m convinced it’s not working but it’s rare that I don’t like one of my finished quilts.

  2. Who doesn't love a blue and white quilt!

  3. I'm glad you kept on--it looks wonderful!!

  4. I think it looks fantastic, I'm inspired to pull out my blue scraps and give it a try.

  5. Gorgeous! Love the mix of light, medium and dark fabrics. Great pattern, going to put it on my to do list.

  6. Wonderful, fantastic, incredible. Your work is ALWAYS an inspiration to us. Anytime you doubt it just call, 1-800-ASK-DOLLY!

  7. Glad you kept going, it looks fantastic.
