Monday, November 11, 2019

Done at last

My vintage rosettes is a completed top at long, long last.  This has been such a chore to work on, but determination helps overcome the tediousness of those many little seams.
Don't know if I like it yet, but I am so relieved to cross it off the UFO list, after all this time. It looks like the left border has a few puckers, but that doesn't bother me.  The centre of the top shrinks back after ironing, all those little seams pull it in.  Another iron, and some quilting, will makes that border lie completely flat.
I can't believe I let it sit around for years because I didn't like the look of those half rosettes at the edge.  They look fine to me now; I prevaricated for so long, over something so trivial.  

Of course the worse part was ironing all those tiny 1" seams.  Ordinarily hexagons just lay down in front of the iron, so pressing a hexagon top is actually enjoyable.  But those diamonds and triangles changed the pressing pattern, so it was a constant struggle to get them under control.  However, it's done now, and I'm ready to move onto another project from the list.  Or maybe start another new one.

I've written a few times about how I love this moment of choosing the next project, there are so many possibilities, and the excitement of a new project has it's own momentum.  While I weigh which thing to start next I am cutting for my 6" Ohio Star blocks. I'm not going to sew on these exclusively, they will be my leader-enders when I pick my major project.
Lots and lots of little triangles, made easy with the 2" QST die.
These will be such fun to kit into blocks, after I get back from Adelaide on Friday. 
The end is in sight for the school year for Shonny, so my babysitting skills won't be needed every single week.  I'm going to enjoy not travelling so much, but I'll miss my babies too.


  1. Bravo for hanging in there with your hexies and your top is beautiful! Quilting will give it another look which you will enjoy even more.

  2. Sew great to get a very old ufo finished, well done it looks fantastic. A new project is perfect, when you are going to have so much extra time at home! LOL to spend watering gardens! I am so not looking forward to summer...heat and I are not friends.

  3. Another outstanding finish! I've always loved this pattern, but have never been brave enough to try it. Great job!
