Monday, December 09, 2019

Something needed to be done about organising the quilt tops on hand.  After all, there are more than a hundred stored in various boxes and cupboards, and I needed an easy way to document them and keep track of where they are. I made up this information sheet in Word, and printed out one for each top.
I know I could have made it all as Word files, but there's something satisfying about having a paper copy, and I can keep these in the workroom and scribble over them as needed.  I'm going to work my way through and measure each top, work out the size backing I need, and what meterage I need to make that backing.  Then I'll make a file of the backing lengths needed and I'll keep that on my phone.  When I'm shopping and find cheap backing fabric I'll be able  to look at my file and see exactly how much I'll need for any particular quilt.

I hope this helps me buy wisely; buying too much for a backing is almost as annoying as not buying enough, so having the info available will be so useful.

I've got a backing stash already, and a lot of these quilts already have backings allotted to them.  Still, that's quite a pile of quilt tops in that stack.  These information sheets will also help me prioritise what gets quilted next; as I've discovered already, if I don't prepare the tops, backing and batting ahead of time, I don't get a quilt on the machine.  I've quilted 7 this year just by being prepared, and I hope to double that number in 2020.  Or maybe I should aim to quilt 20 quilts in 2020.  Sounds achievable!


  1. Yay for progress! I love the idea of the list for backings. I definitely don’t have a backing stash and certainly wish I did, as that’s what generally slows down finishes.

  2. I like your quilt inventory/progress sheets. What are the last entries on the page? Posted to blog? Gifted to?

  3. Quilting 20 quilts in 2020 sounds like a great challenge.

  4. Fantastic organisation, I am sure this is going to help make a big dent in the TBQ pile.

  5. Good idea to work out all the backing sizes needed for your quilt stash. What a lot of quilts you have to tackle!

  6. Wow, that's certainly some total of waiting to be quilted quilts!! Just as well you don't have to send them out to a quilter and pay for them!! I have a "few" waiting for my quilter, but not that many. You are amazing just how much piecing you get done with all the rest of life.
