Sunday, October 24, 2021

2 Finishes

The Urban Abacus is in one piece, and I really like it. I enjoyed the curved seams, and I liked sewing slowly for a change. I made around 10 blocks a night, being very particular, and it was very different from my usual race-to-the-finish attitude. 

I even finished up all the sample blocks and sewed them into a little top. I might add small borders at the sides to make it wider, but that can wait. 
These 2 tops bring my total for the year to 18 tops, not a bad total. I'm going for 21 in the year 2021, and I just might achieve that. 
I've been resisting buying the pattern for Bonnie Hunter's Boxy Bow Ties quilt, but then I  decided my scraps needed a new project. I have a lot of these bright modern bits leftover from other quilts, and this pattern promises to use up a mountain of them. It's really cute. 

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