Monday, November 29, 2021

A big shuffle

After I'd shifted furniture, packed away fabric and projects, charged the drill and found the correct size screws, it was the work of moments to attach the leg of my table again and make sure all the other legs were secure. 
But then I had to put my room to rights again. And that took a heck of a lot longer.
I turned this...
into this.
All the bolts were put back neatly on the shelves, and the projects boxes labelled at last.

By stacking it all in front of my design wall I ensured that I would have to finish cleaning up before I went back to sewing.

Everything is so much cleaner and more organized than it's been in years. Once I had most of the shifting and cleaning done I turned my attention to the strips of fabric still hanging over the edge of boxes and on the rack and tried to make sense of it all.
There were lots of strips that were draped over various surfaces, just waiting to be filed in the correct drawers.

All this was actually on the table when it collapsed, so I sorted it out into strip sizes. 
And from there I dumped all the scraps out of various containers and cut them into useful sizes. 

When I'd finished I had these and many more empty containers, and the strip drawers were nicely restocked. And I gave away a pile of scraps to Mereth, who never says no to any scrap, large or small.

I know I should do this after every project, but I'm always so keen to get onto the next good idea that I just set the leftovers aside in a tray or basket and forget it. 

It was really therapeutic to vacuum thoroughly and deal with the mess, and now I'm ready to get some sewing achieved. Fingers crossed that I keep my workspace tidy (or tidier) from now on. 

PS; RobinaS, I would love to reply to your comment, but there is no email address on your profile. Would you be able to email me instead...?


  1. I've started cleaning up after each project finish. I'm tired of being overwhelmed with mess and having to move scraps around. I always told my children that is easier to put toys away in the first place than it is just to move them around. I need to apply that to myself. Happy stitching, enjoy your tidy sewing room!

  2. It's so funny how we do these mammoth jobs a month out from Christmas? I'm the same. But how wonderful is a clean and tidy sewing room. You have to take photos just to prove it can be that way (at least I do!). I'm struggling to find the floor at the moment in mine!

  3. First off let me say I am in awe of your stash. Not all of your project boxes, I try to stay more current, but that is just me. However, I just finished cleaning my room and getting rid of unnecessary furniture. I need a more uncluttered spot and it had become a major mess.

  4. Very and I mean VERY inspiring!

    I'm very much looking forward to some quiet evenings post-holiday, to do very much the same thing.

    Thanks for sharing.

    San /

  5. Impressive clean up and repair job! Sew very happy for you, with that done the cleaning job isn't hanging over your head like Snoopy pretending to be a vulture. Oh, wait, that may be a comic strip only seen in news papers in the USA. Anyway, you should feel much freer to get back down to business without that mess. That is something I'm feeling for sure having cleaned up my sewing space and can now find the table and sewing machine again!
