Saturday, November 13, 2021

Leader-Ender pieces

I took advantage of the empty design wall to put up my Double 4-patch leader-ender blocks and see what they looked like.

I like those diagonals heading off to the right, caused by darker 3" squares. It's sort of a counterbalance to the red diagonals. I'll need to do some re-arranging to distribute them across the whole top, but I need to have all the blocks made for that.

I was down to the last few pieces, and I still have 28 blocks to make, so I had a cutting session to remedy that. I need about 14 more 3" squares, and that will be enough for the whole thing. These will keep me going for a while.

I also needed pieces for the 2&4 leader-ender that will take over from this when it's finished.
I worked out the dimensions in EQ8, and I think a 60 x 76" quilt will be just right. I know I hate sewing long, long rows together, so I decided to put this together as blocks.
I'll make all of one block first, then all of the second block. I'll need 48, and I'm pressing them so that I can put them together in sets of 4. There will only be a few long rows this way.

The coloured pieces so far have some from scraps and charm squares, and I wanted the light fabrics to come from scraps too. I pulled a heap of bits out of the scrap drawer and cut them into squares and rectangles. All the time I was doing it I had to fight the thought that these were 'good' scraps and I should save them for something else. Honestly, that's crazy talk, when I have 10 times this left in the scrap drawer, and 10 drawers of FQs and yardage. I need to learn how to let go.

Done! Now to cut some more red and blue from the Facebook scraps. My leader-enders are sorted, now it's time to choose a main project. Something new? Or a UFO. I'll have to think about that.


  1. Loved the thought about good scraps . I have it too but I find when I use my "good scraps" I love the finished product. Keep on qulting.

  2. Oh, I can relate to the “good” comment! I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking that. Earlier this year I spent a couple of days ironing then cutting with my Accuquilt cutter, and now have two boxes of a wide variety of neutrals: one has 3 1/2” squares and 2” strips, the other has 4 1/2” squares and 2 1/2” strips. It helps get stuck into the coloured “good” fabric, with half the cutting done.


  3. wow, gorgeous!

    Have you considered starching the fabric so bias doesn't stretch?

    Love all of your colors.

    San / email:

  4. Love the "leader ender" quilt, I'll need to make one for myself, really striking!
