Friday, November 19, 2021


 I am all over the shop with my projects. I just can't settle down and sew one thing for more than half an hour.  I think maybe I have anxiety about the sheer number of things I have going; I'm trying to make progress on all of them at once so that I feel better.  And it's not working!! I'm being made more anxious by all the piles on the cutting table. Sigh...

I needed to make a few of the Jacob's Ladder blocks to get the cutting and pressing locked in.


I needed a leader-ender while doing that. 

The 2&4 was handy.

Then I saw all the Boxy Bowtie pieces and thought I should just throw together a few more blocks so that project didn't completely stagnate.

Up to 9 blocks so far.

Wasn't I working on the Scrap Chain blocks too?

A few more added to the tally.

Now I need to cut more pieces for all these, except the Scrap Chain, and somehow keep track of all the cut pieces and the scrap leftovers, and the bits for the string pile. It's going to be a messy weekend.


  1. That’s exactly how I’m feeling/sewing at the moment! Is it the weird spring weather here in South Australia? Or the uncertainty of Covid and the general unsettledness (?) And here in Victor Harbor we have schoolies this weekend �� so after an early beach walk at the other end of town in the morning, I think I’ll pick a quick easy finish to cross off the list so that I can unravel all the other PHDs! Pauline

  2. While clicking away on my iPad, I accidentally landed on your blog. O my, all those projects you are working on simultaneously!
    I’m impressed and a little out of breath after a few of your posts;) I think I need a nap now LOL…

  3. I do believe it was a very famous, wise, and intelligent person who said, "a messy weekend is a GREAT weekend!"

    Keep up the good work.

    San /

  4. My mess had to get cleaned up since we are in a very small space and I invited a friend to join us for Thanksgiving. Wow, I can finally have room to sew(once this is over) with things finally put away.
