Tuesday, March 01, 2022

A project closer to completion

I started making these Big Dipper blocks in January 2020. I worked on them on and off for 2 years, and decided this month to get the top done. The setting and fabric was decided,10 blocks were kitted, and I only needed another 5.

I cut out the setting blocks, and then decided to measure the blocks to see if they measured the required 6.5". Most of them did, but 7 were too small. Way too small. I was not amused; it was going to take a lot more effort than I thought to finish this.

The worst thing was having to pull out a heap of fabric to cut new pieces, while the table was still littered with scraps from the grey Hourglass blocks. I didn't want to clean up, so I just pushed all the mess aside and cut out the blocks I needed. That's not the way I like to work.

I do love making this block, and I love the fabrics I used in them. They are pretty simple, so it didn't take too long to get them done.

There are 40 more Hourglass blocks to add to the collection, I batch sewed them before I started piecing on the other blocks. I'm determined to get these done

 The cutting table needs to be cleaned up again. It never stays tidy for long.                                                                                                                                                                             

I'm nearing the end of this sampler, just a few more motifs to go.  It's been fun, and I already have the stranded cottons for my next project. I enjoy my nightly stitching, but I can't do more than an hour or my hands ache and I literally can't see straight. 


  1. "The cutting table needs to be cleaned up again. It never stays tidy for long." Same. I never want to devote the time it would take to clear off and clean up the cutting table in between projects, until there's no other option because I've run out of space! I'm impressed with your focus and dedication to getting those hourglass blocks made. Sometimes I just put a project away in disgust with myself for not taking care with either cutting or accurate piecing. Brava! to you for just plowing through and getting it done.

  2. You are not alone, I understand your frustration. Love the quilt you are working on.

  3. love the pink with those blocks.......the quilt looks great in your next post.......
    the cross stitch is lovely........
