Sunday, May 01, 2011

My design wall is still as haphazard as ever, and I think I've started even more projects.  I need to stop looking at blogs and being inspired by new ideas, and just settle down for some long sewing sessions.  I just can't seem to make myself do that though.

I've been cutting out the simple diagonal blocks in spare moments, and then sewing them together in other odd moments.  They go together so quickly, it takes longer to cut them than to sew them up.  I have a fair idea of what I need to add to this to make it work, so I'll stockpile the pieces and start using them as leader-enders.  Then I can move onto another project with a relatively clear conscience.  I'd like to say I can see a dent in the drawers that all these reproduction fabrics came from, but not a chance.  What I'd like is to be able to fit them all in 3 drawers instead of 4, so I intend to donate a lot to Mereth in a stunning act of goodwill.  The way I see it, it's just passing the problem onto her, so it's not really fair, but she will treasure these far more than me.  I have guilt over having so much, so I'm not really enjoying them as I should.

I fell in love with Lucy's quilt, and gave in to the impulse to make a couple of blocks, just to see how they look together. 

Of course they look good, so now I want to abandon all the other things I'm working on, and pull fabrics for about 63 of these blocks.  I'm fighting the urge to do that, but I can tell it's a losing battle.

The container of 1.5"squares and triangles was providing leader-enders, and I have a few of these little blocks put together.  I have no idea where they're going, but they're cute.  Some idea will come to me once I have a pile of them.

I'm getting more familiar with my big camera, and it really does a good job of capturing the amazing cloudscapes at sunset. It's a pleasure to go walking with such skies overhead.


Karen 10:39 PM  

More than once, I have passed my guilt on to my quilting friends. It is amazing what they create from my discards. Both fabric pieces and UFO projects.
I made a sofa size quilt using the diagonal blocks like you have on your design wall.

Anonymous,  1:08 AM  

love all your projects that you have going!

sewprimitive karen 6:13 AM  

Amazing, amazing sunset photo.

Me and My Stitches 6:24 AM  

Your quilts are all so wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

Gypsy Quilter 9:41 PM  

Really like that simple, striking quilt. Wish we were closer and I'd send over some of my odd and unusual fabrics to go with it. Lovely sky shot.

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