Monday, June 18, 2018

Our beautiful baby boy arrived, 1 day after his due date, and we are beyond delighted to have him here.

 Thomas Charles, weighing a respectable 3.9k, (8lb 11oz). 

I'm so glad Hayden was there to support Shonny through the labour, I'm sure I would have been useless.  Mum told the story of when she was in labour with her first baby Gran was supposed to bring her things to the hospital.  Gran got halfway up the stairs, heard Mum yelling, and turned and ran away.  She was such a softie, couldn't bear to think of Mum in pain, so she scarpered.  After having 10 children herself you'd think she would have been just the person to have around at a birth, but no.  She never even warned Mum that it was going to hurt, so Mum thought something was horribly wrong and that she was going to die. 
Isla is delighted with her baby brother, and is very loving with him.  All the girls are thrilled, he spends a lot of time being cuddled by each in turn. He's been very good, waking only to have a feed and then obligingly going back to sleep. 

Isla was 5 weeks old before she reached his birthweight; a bigger baby is so much easier to care for than a tiny wee one. 4 hours between night feeds instead of two, settling to sleep straight away, no problems feeding.  In fact, Shonny is managing so well, and Hayden is so attentive, that I'm having a little holiday at home.

It's lovely to be in my sewing room, with my projects on the design wall and my fabric at hand.  I was getting mighty sick of having no choice about what I was putting in my teeny little blocks.  Now I can raid the stash drawers and get some variety in there.  Bliss.


Chookyblue...... 10:04 AM  

Wonderful news .......

Gypsy Quilter 10:48 AM  

What a beautiful little guy. Congratulations granny!

Carolyn 11:23 AM  

Congratulations! Well worth the wait. Enjoy him.

Bag End Gardener 9:39 PM  

Many congratulations from the other side of the planet :-)

Enjoy your "holiday at home". Very occasionally, and not often enough, I manage to get a few days when there are no jobs to do (or I refuse to do them!) and it is quite wonderful.

Shelina 11:20 AM  

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! What precious stories ad pictures!

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