Sunday, October 25, 2009

After two dedicated sessions in the sewing room the Star Struck top is finished, and I'm very grateful. (For some reason I was referring to this as Spinning Stars, and Bonnie actaully calls it Star Struck; I would have realised that straight away if I hadn't been too lazy to go and link it the first time, duh!)This seemed to take forever to get done, I have no idea why. It wasn't hard at all, I think I just may have become bored with the controlled colour scheme. I need to break out and throw a whole bunch of scraps together, just for fun.

I'm really pleased with how it turned out though, and I hope John will like it when it's presented to him as a house warming present. He's shifting house next month, so it's great that this quilt was already underway before we even found out. It's just one of those things that are meant to be.

I was ready to just slap the borders on and call it done, when it occured to me that it would be interesting to add the little red triangles in the border to complete the hour glass shapes. It wasn't hard at all, and I can see myself doing this again. All I did was measure the distance between the two straight seams of the red triangles along the edge; I cut a border strip this length, plus 1/2" and put the appropriate colour flippy triangle on each end. The other strips to complete each border just had a single flippy triangle in the correct colour, and the strips were seamed together to complete the length for the border. It was so easy, and just adds a little extra touch of colour to the inner borders.

I need to run and get to the supermarket before it closes, but I hope to get back into regular posting from now on. I'm getting really intruiged with photography again, so hopefully that will inspire me to put up more photos and posts. Gotta run.....


Lori in South Dakota 7:25 PM  

Yes, it seems like such a small thing, but those little red triangles in the border really add to the quilt! I know what you mean about controlled color schemes, I love to pull out all the scraps and have wild riots of color!

Anonymous,  9:48 PM  

Those little red edgey bits are magic - they increase the sense of movement in your quilt as they catch the eye. A great addition.

Anonymous,  12:32 AM  

it is an amazing quilt!

Gingerpatch 7:14 AM  

Love the little red triangles - they really pop! Great quilt especially for a mans present.

Meggie 9:22 AM  

Brilliant idea for the borders. It is very nice for a male.

Tazzie 10:07 AM  

Those hourglass units in the border are just inspired, love them entirely!

Linda in NC 2:54 AM  

The red triangles in the border are genius. And so timely for me, thanks, as I happen to be working on the same pattern, in browns with pink/coral triangles. I agree with your thoughts on the controlled color scheme - I'm wanting to try this pattern again with wild abondon.

bingo~bonnie 3:51 PM  

love the few random pieces overflowing into the border - way to expect the unexpected ;)

I'm using these as my current leader/ender project and I think you are right - they do seem to take forever... not b/c they are hard - it just requires so many of them.. so I should be ready for my borders in about 3 years right? ;)

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

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