Monday, February 12, 2024

Still here...

 I've certainly had enough time off from the blog, time for a catch up.

I haven't blogged in so long because I don't like complaining on here, but I've done a mighty lot of that in real life. Problems with my eyesight, problems with the Statler, problems with several customer tops that had many, many issues, catching some sort of cold/flu from the grandkids after Christmas that floored me for 3 weeks. Plus my dear old AC just blew up, so there is no respite from the heat. I wasn't remotely inclined to go near the sewing machine, which is so unusual for me. I guess it's because I can't see properly, and I don't want to struggle with it. Sigh!

I've mainly been reading, and doing jigsaws, and finally getting all my bookwork up to date. Which was literally painful, trying to see what I was doing on the computer. I can type and type and type, no problems, but trying to proof read and edit is really difficult. The optometrist suggested plain 2x readers for my computer work, and they are helping. My second surgery should be next month, and hopefully things will improve then.

See! Lots of complaining. Must do better, and look on the positive side; I've read heaps of books...And blogs of course. I feel guilty that I get so much pleasure from other people's blogs, but I don't bother to update my own. I can't do Instagram, I don't understand it, and reading one little bit after another just gives me a headache. I know other people feel the same way, so I'll do my best to contribute to blogworld in future, even if my posts are full of typos.

Just lately I've been sewing a few minutes here and there, just playing around. I need to clean up the sewing room yet again, but I keep getting distracted. Those darn shirts are always leading me off the beaten track. 

Cutting fabric is hard when I can't see so well, but this Dresden Plate pattern can be mashed into shape with an iron so the accuracy isn't that important. I designed this with 15 blades, so any inaccuracies in the piecing don't really show up the way it would with an even number of blades. 

I printed out a template and stuck it to a ruler; I make sure I have a straight edge to line the base of the wedge to. I cut along the top of the ruler, then flip the cut fabric over.

Then I line up the template with the cut edges and trim the top of the wedge. Easy. I just cut enough for one block at a time, I'm determined to keep this playful, and not let it turn into an almighty chore.

The background blocks are huge, so there is not much left from a shirt back; once I use all the suitable backs I may start piecing 4-patches as a background block.  I'll applique circles at the centre so I can trim out the bulk of so many seam allowances meeting there, and because it's a nice little pop of colour.

I'm working on another project, to use up scraps of course, so I'm gradually getting back into the sewing room. It's slow going, but I'll get there.


Nancy 9:23 AM  

I"m so sorry for all the challenges you've faced. I don't know whether poor eyesight or no air conditioning is worse. I hope things get brighter soon!
I love, love, love your Dresden Plate blocks. I'm not a huge fan of blues but the beginnings of this quilt look so homey and comfortable, even old-fashioned. I will look forward to seeing more of it as you continue blogging (I hope).

audrey 10:19 AM  

Love these blocks, specially made with these fabrics! It's hard sometimes to find the energy to blog.:)

Shelina 4:30 PM  

These are beautiful blocks. Very impressive that you can make them with all the problems you have been having. I do hope that they all get resolved quickly.

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