Saturday, March 02, 2013

When life gets so busy with work and chores (like moving house) there is only one way to get any sewing done.  I wait till it's time for a coffee break, then head into the sewing room on a mission.

 This cute little timer was a gift from DD,and he keeps me honest.  Half an hour's sewing, and no more.

I'm certainly focussed while I can hear him ticking away, and this morning I made the units for one block, and sewed and cut the strips  for another.  Next time I sit down to sew it will all be set up and waiting.

It's so tempting to keep on going, but Mr Pig says NO!  Times Up.

I've managed to complete one more block in my stolen minutes, and it's a lovely thing not to be dealing with triangles.
 I love them, but my gosh I've sewn a heap of them just lately.  Squares and rectangles are so relaxing.  They might be the plain vanilla of sewing, but even that can be satsifying.  Not everything has to be triple choc honeycomb caramel crunch!

In gardening news, there is a harvest to report.  A single tomato from Mereth's garden. There are more on the vines, but who knows if they will ripen.
This year has been terrible for tomatoes.  In spring a friend spent a lot of money on self-watering pots, tomato stakes and fertiliser, potting mix and 4 heirloom tomato plants.  To date the yield has been one small tomato.  She picked it and unselfishly gave it to her husband to eat.
'How was it?' she asked eagerly, 'was it nice?'
'Yeah' he said, then seeing the look on her face, amended that to 'It was great, fantastic!  Much better than store bought.'
Should be' she muttered, 'it cost $80'.


*kd. 10:52 AM  

Great block, super fabrics and such an inspiring idea. I want a little piggy timer now, too! It sort of looks like your focus is really increasing productivity. Really like the "plain vanilla of sewing" - perfect analogies!!!

Robin 12:57 PM  

Triple chocolate honeycomb caramel crunch is a good name for that block. I think it's wonderful!
I have a chicken timer, I'll have to take it down to the studio~

Unknown 1:06 PM  

I'm glad your little pig timer is coming in handy. I just knew I had to buy it for you when I saw it lol.

antique quilter 8:57 PM  

ok that piggy timer is adorable but I love this block even more! wow fabrics are GREAT! love the combo
hmmm may have to join in on this one!
have to get that book out and study the quilt. love the carmel in there and I have a few carmel fabrics in my stash I think!
sorry to hear about her tomato crop, nothing like fresh tomatoes

Sue SA 8:30 AM  

I had a chicken timer but as I tend to do I dropped and broke it! Love your pig and impressed that you are so disciplined! My tomato harvest was fairly unsucessful, but the one cherry tomato did really well and we ate those early in the season. As a fairly new vegie gardener I am definately only planting cherry tomatoes next spring. I do thing I am better off supporting the farmers at the farmers market though, if we relied on my veggie growing we would starve! I like your block, lots of piecing there, but I agree something soothing about squares.

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