Hand piecing Progress
Last year I began a hand-piecing project, to work on when I'm away from home. That was all of a year ago, and I've not made much progress. When I'm in Adelaide I'm too tired at the end of the day to sit and stitch, and the daytime is totally devoted to the grandkids. Don't want to miss a minute of them. So my sum total is one block, incomplete, because I haven't decided what colour I want those corner squares to be.
The pattern on the fabric is mirrored on alternate stripes, and I didn't realise that when I was tracing the templates.
Then I lost the fabric and couldn't cut new ones, so nothing more happened. But yesterday I came across the fabric, in a very unlikely place; who knows why I dumped it in that box instead of putting it in the right place. I found a quiet moment and, with much concentration, I cut the needed pieces to complete both black stars.. Fussy cutting has certainly slowed this project down; brought it to a standstill more like it.